Using Promela/SPIN to verify RTEMS

RTEMS ( is an open-source real-time operating system widely used in aircraft and spacecraft. It offers a comprehensive API, mostly defined in terms of “managers” that provide calls to perform specific kinds of services or provide specific infrastructure. As part of an activity sponsored by the European Space Agency (ESA) we have developed a methodology … Read more

Enhancing a Theorem Prover written in Haskell

A theorem prover “reasonEq” , written in Haskell, is currently under development. It is intended to support reasoning about the meaning and correctness of programs. It supports an easy to use proof style for predicate calculus known as “equational reasoning” – very similar to the kind of algebraic reasoning used in most mathematics found in … Read more

Domain-Specific Languages in Haskell

Haskell ( is good for developing Domain Specific Languages (DSLs). A classic example of this are financial combinators – the linked paper led to a financial services spinout ( that is still going strong. There is an interesting overview of using Haskell to design DSLs. I am always willing to supervise projects in this space. … Read more