Unified Multi-Weather Visibility Restoration

Automated surveillance is widely opted for applications such as traffic monitoring, vehicle identification, etc . But, various weather degradation factors such as rain and snow streaks, along with atmospheric veil severely affect the perceptual quality of an image, eventually affecting the performance of these applications. There exist weather specific (rain, haze, snow, etc .) methods … Read more

Generative AI for Immersive 3D Experience

We will explore generative AI with a focus on 3D content creation and editing. You will build up your background in 3D computer graphics and 3D computer vision and conduct research in the following themes including neural radiance fields, diffusion models, or applied projects. 1. Neural radiance fields Project 1.1: Real-time neural radiance fields. We … Read more

Tangible Interactions with Virtual Interfaces [TAKEN]

This project investigates gestural interactions in Virtual and Augmented reality that involve contact with physical objects. The hypothesis is that physical interactions may aid intuitiveness and controllability of interactions. Since the recent boom in uptake of head-mounted-displays for Augmented and Virtual Reality, various interfaces have been proposed to take the place of the traditional mouse … Read more

Deepfake detection (project taken 23-24)

Deep fake videos and images are becoming increasingly common, and are becoming so realistic that a large percentage of population is taken in by such videos/images (such as the recent image of the Pope in an expensive white coat).  This project is intended to (1) survey deepfake technology, (2) survey techniques for detecting deepfakes and … Read more

Tennis monitoring application (project taken 23-24)

Over the last few years I’ve had a couple of projects where students have tried to analyse shot placement in tennis using a mobile phone (or multiple phones). This has been shown to be feasible BUT the accuracy of the identified shot placement is well below what would be needed to declare the ball in … Read more

Rock-Paper-Scissors-Liazrd-Spock (project taken 2023-24)

This project aims to create a mobile phone based application using computer vision to monitor and score a multi-player game of rock-paper-scissors (and/or the rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock variant). The application should provide the count down for each go, check that it is played fairly (i.e. gestures made at the correct time) and maintain the scores for the … Read more