Crypto and Security – General


I’m happy to consider compelling project proposals that involve hardware, networking, security or wireless technologies. Ideally they will be well aligned with my research interests.
In recent years students have worked on projects in security and crypto, VPNs, homomorphic encryption, Vehicular Networking, Distributed online control, Underwater communications, music visualisation and some fundamental Quantum Communication concepts.

It might be interesting to look at the application and relevance of some of these aspects to the nanocommunications domain also.

We have also just completed an EC project on offshore wind and wave energy and have some highly novel concepts on structural health monitoring involving drones that we would be interested in exploring with a view to commercialisation. These will stray across into modelling and (possibly) some flow and fluid dynamics so might be of greatest interest to Engineering student(s). We do have a variety of unresolved comms modelling and associated challenges that would be interesting to work on also.

Project Detail

For those interested in crypto and security, we can always find interesting theoretical and practical project topics and goals. Please get in touch.

Applicants should have very strong programming and theoretical capabilities, and and be interested in working with some hardware and simulation systems.