Quantum Information Science


I’m happy to consider compelling project proposals that involve hardware, networking, security or wireless technologies. Ideally they will be well aligned with my research interests.
In recent years students have worked on projects in security and crypto, VPNs, homomorphic encryption, Vehicular Networking, Distributed online control, Underwater communications, music visualisation and some fundamental Quantum Communication concepts.

It might be interesting to look at the application and relevance of some of these aspects to the nanocommunications domain also.

We have also just completed an EC project on offshore wind and wave energy and have some highly novel concepts on structural health monitoring involving drones that we would be interested in exploring with a view to commercialisation. These will stray across into modelling and (possibly) some flow and fluid dynamics so might be of greatest interest to Engineering student(s). We do have a variety of unresolved comms modelling and associated challenges that would be interesting to work on also.

Project Detail

Quantum Information Science involves combining the principles and concepts of quantum mechanics with information science and theory to investigate new thinking and approaches to the creation, procssing, analysis, storage and transmission of information. It is a field that is both challenging and cutting edge (e.g. https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/2022/press-release/). We are currently doing work on understanding how traditional Engineering algorithms and approaches can be realised in a quantum setting, moving towards developing completely new schemes and approaches that have their genesis in a quantum setting.

You will, likely, be familiar with the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) used in media coding; a student undertaking this project can expect to be working with DCT like approaches and concepts from a quantum setting.

We already have working concepts and instances e.g. for the DCT, so there is some support base from which to upskill.

Please note – this will be a challenging research-style project and it is likely that you will already have distinguished yourself in College to seriously consider it.

Pre-requisites: A strong interest in (some of) Maths, Physics and data coding/information science. Some familiarity with some of the quantum concept, approaches and principles would be a distinct benefit