Taken – Investigating the Reproducibility of Studies which conducted Data Mining or Machine Learning on Educational Data 

*If a MSc in Statistics and Sustainability student is interested in this project, a variant of this project would be to complete it on sustainability data sets. “Reproducibility, closely related to replicability and repeatability, is a major principle underpinning the scientific method. For the findings of a study to be reproducible means that results obtained … Read more

Crypto and Security – General

Background I’m happy to consider compelling project proposals that involve hardware, networking, security or wireless technologies. Ideally they will be well aligned with my research interests. In recent years students have worked on projects in security and crypto, VPNs, homomorphic encryption, Vehicular Networking, Distributed online control, Underwater communications, music visualisation and some fundamental Quantum Communication … Read more

Secure, Verifiable and Timely Side Channel Network Communications Using Distributed Ledgers

Background I’m happy to consider compelling project proposals that involve hardware, networking, security or wireless technologies. Ideally they will be well aligned with my research interests. In recent years students have worked on projects in security and crypto, VPNs, homomorphic encryption, Vehicular Networking, Distributed online control, Underwater communications, music visualisation and some fundamental Quantum Communication … Read more

Give me a sign! Investigating the brain processing of sign language (taken)

The perception of speech has been studied extensively, due to its importance in our society. Sign language is an alternative form of communication, primarily adopted by individuals that are deaf, with severe hearing impairment, or with severe difficulties speaking to physically speak. However, it is unknown how the brain of the “listener” transforms sign language … Read more

Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning for Motorway Ramp Merging – TAKEN

So-called ‘capacity drop’ is a phenomenon that sometimes occurs when joining vehicles interrupt the flow of traffic on a motorway, effectively reducing the capacity of the road. To address this problem, this project will investigate the design of a cooperative motorway on-ramp merging algorithm for automated vehicles. From the perspective of vehicles joining the motorway, … Read more

Reinforcement Learning for Motorway Demand Management – TAKEN

This project will investigate the use of reinforcement learning to develop a highway journey booking system incorporating a dynamic pricing strategy to allow traffic demand to be shaped in ways that will improve traffic efficiency and enhance sustainability by reducing emissions and fuel consumption. The goal will be to evaluate the potential benefit of the … Read more

Improving Bus Reliability using ICT – TAKEN

An ideal bus route would offer highly predictable journey times to travellers so that the same journey taken at the same time of day on different occasions would take the same amount of time. While there are many sources of variability in journey times such as traffic conditions, passenger boarding and offloading time, and the … Read more

Advanced Driver Information Systems for Autonomous/Mixed Traffic – TAKEN

Large-scale deployment of (semi-)automated vehicles (AVs) is inevitable. However, the benefits of this deployment for traffic management in a world in which AVs and other vehicles will necessarily coexist (i.e., in ‘mixed’ traffic) remain unclear. Reduced congestion, greater energy efficiency, and improved resilience of the traffic system to unexpected events are expected. In this context, … Read more

Boosting Language Learning with Machine Learning (taken)

Learning a second language is a challenging and time-consuming task. While a myriad of strategies have been proposed, we are still far from reaching an optimal personalised solution. Users either drop out early in the process or, once they reach a sufficient level of proficiency, they hit a plateau that seems impossible to overcome. This … Read more